Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Feelings Summed Up...

*there is always hope image found at we heart it, here...
Well, my apologies to those friends from away trying to gently encourage me to embrace, or rather re-embrace Facebook.  For awhile now I've lacked the words but I see someone else has written them for me.  While perusing my morning Nova Scotian blog list I stumbled across this quote "Facebook is for people you used to know" at Gifted Typist and the interesting comment "I heard that Twitter’s activity has dropped 30% in the last few months. But millions are shutting down their Facebook accounts as well. Me, I like blogs." 
So there it is in black in white, I have an email address, two in fact, I will be getting a proper long distance plan and I have a blog (that is admittedly mostly a catalogue of my fancies, passing or otherwise), if you live nearby there is an abundance of great coffee/tea shops to visit in, or if you are from further away I have a spare room, I am also willing to hop on a plane after the summer has passed, I love getting mail and sending unique letters/cards...and that is that.

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