Saturday, January 22, 2011

Here's To The Good Stuff

Life is still full of colour! Yes, even in January.  Flipping through this month's Oprah I found many nifty little things, bits of celebration in the to all the cop killers, animal abusers (heck just plain abusers, and yes I'm pointing fingers here), negative, bitter, dull, jealous people out there I say screw you.  Yup, we all have temporary lapses.  I have my curl up in bed with a book, cuppa hot cocoa leave me be days. I have had and will have unspeakable horrors in life.  I am not Pollyanna but I refuse to live my life, my one kick at the can, frozen by the monsters others let out of the closet. xo

To my youngish readers, you know who I mean, close your eyes to the inappropriate words.
The good stuff in order as shown;
1.  Inside Out Hearts by Yedi houswares...mmm drinking hearts, how Alice.
2.  Diane-von-Furstenberg-Housewares-Collection here's to not matching!
3.  Gimbal's Honey Candies not only pretty but some of the monies goes to saving the Honey Bee
4.  Learning To Love You More and sample image was a phenomenally simple on an via text, photo, video whatever an assignment such as 'take a flash photo under your bed' result...

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