Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ikea I Miss You...

My life as a I continue to rehab from living in the 'burbs I am increasingly drawn to anything and everything minimalist; decor, really...some people say it's because I've burnt out but this feels, this is authentic.  Over at the everyday minimalist she has been addressing some differences...being a minimalist is not cheap and often it's not even the 'frugal' the each of her posts/links on the subject but some of my favourite highlights are;
"Minimalism is not owning more than you need and can use...It isn’t about living like a monk...We want the little things that we purchase, to be an all-in-one: beautiful, functional, and simple to use...As a minimalist, I want everything that I buy to be exactly what I want, but also pleasing to look at...A frugal person understands cost-per-use and the longevity of purchases."  She goes into some very detailed examples and make me want to stand up and cheer!

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